Manana Anua – 52 Days of Imprisonment


Manana Anua – 52 Days of Imprisonment

Shorena Lebanidze

ISBN: 978-9941-463-42-6

Category: Critical Essays on Literature-Documentary Prose

Pages: 226

Format: 14.8x21

Published: 2017

Cover: Soft

Price: 0.00

Translated by Irma Osia
The documentary novel narrated by the protagonist describes the tragic events of a mixed Georgian-Abkhaz family. A deep psychological portrayal and spine-chilling stories enable readers to somehow witness the unattractive reality of the 1990s Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. However, the military and political issues only serve as a backdrop for the gripping narrative.
The events unfold in a small village of Comani, high in the Svaneti mountains, where the inhabitants are obliged to hide in a church. In the face of unexpected calamity, the people demonstrate amazing courage and common sense, as well as the best of their humane nature.      
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