Catalogue Tbilisiensis
ISBN: 978-9941-487-55-2
Category: Albums
Pages: 56
Format: 20.5x21.5
Published: 2021
Cover: Hard
Price: 29.95 

The Turkish word “ajapsandal”, which probably derives from a phrase meaning “How beautiful you are!”, is associated by all Caucasians with a tasty dish that is prepared tenderly and carefully in the family home. A mixture of ingredients which, at first glance, would appear entirely incompatible with one another, the dish’s name is simultaneously imbued with connotations of the paradoxical. For me, Tbilisi too is a paradoxical mixture of this kind: of influences Eastern and Western, Asian and European, that make the city a living encyclopaedia, a time machine of architectural styles and artistic orientations born of the limitless, mysterious depths of the past and headed towards a future more mysterious still. The fundamental parameters of Tbilisi’s immortality and allure derive precisely from the process of its eternal, kaleidoscopic variability…
The album contains 25 photocollages of Tbilisian old balconies, pools, hallways, architectural ornaments, street art, etc.
Translated by Geoffrey Gosby