Works (I)


Works (I)

Ekvtime Takaishvili

ISBN: 978-9941-463-96-9

Category: Ekvtime Takaishvili – Works

Pages: 640

Format: B5

Published: 2016

Cover: Hard

Price: 35.00


The publication is the first attempt to put together the academic work of the prominent Georgian historian and art critic. Some of the material has never been published, while other work has long become a bibliographic rarity. The twelve-volume collection is a joint project of the Artanuji Publishers and the Georgian National Academy of Sciences.


The first volume comprises the material gathered after Ekvtime Takaishvili’s expeditions to Tao-Klarjeti: “The 1907 Archaeological Expedition to Kola-Oltisi”, “The 1917 Archaeological Expedition to South Georgia” (Georgian and Russian versions) and “Muslim Georgia”. The 1917 materials were published only once, while the 1907 report was published twice but without illustrations. The present publication is richly illustrated and is accompanied by a comprehensive index.


The chief editor of the series is Roin Metreveli, the editor of Volume 1 is Buba Kudava; the members of the editorial board: Natela Vachnadze, Archil Kokhreidze and Gocha Saitidze.




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